COMMUNICATION DESIGN - Photography For Design (Printed Material)

Chroma People – Print Invite Photography - Tissage Rugs - Tissage Rugs PNG
Chroma People – Print Invite Photography - Tissage Rugs - Tissage Rugs PDF

Chroma People – Print Invite Photography
Brand: Tissage Rugs
Client: Tissage Rugs
Entrant: Unomono

Chroma People – Print Invite Photography - Tissage Rugs - Tissage Rugs

Baby Blue Elephant

Entry Title: Chroma People – Print Invite Photography
Brand: Tissage Rugs
Client: Tissage Rugs
Entrant Company: Unomono
Confirm: We will be submitting a printed folio with photographs for the invite we created.
Physical media is required for your entry please confirm you will be sending.: 97149
Description: In a world of machine-made ease and perfect replicas, the art of handcrafted heirlooms is slowly fading away. This was the challenge faced by Tissage Rugs, a third-generation rug company. They wanted to tell the story of hand-knotted rugs and celebrate their imperfections rather than hide them.

Our solution was to create an entirely new, mythical world that centred around a rug making tribe–the Chroma People. The campaign takes you through a day in their life, highlighting their processes and the natural rhythms that go into making a masterpiece.

Building on this, we further created a symbolism with 4 colours–green, yellow, blue and red–with each signifying a separate phase of day and ritual. This was then put together in a folio-style showcase for interior designers, crafting a layered narrative that spoke of a mythical tribe on its surface, but paid homage to the art of rug making.

Adding authenticity to this fictional world, we created custom sets and props using elements that were core to the rug making process. The folio acted as a gateway into a whole new world and was shared with over 350 individuals as a part of a launch event invite.
Company Credits: Tissage Rugs & Obeetee Carpets
Individual Credits: Photographer : Rema Chaudhary
Individual Credits: Art Direction : Unomono & Priyanka Shah
Individual Credits: Concept for Print Design : Reva D. Khanna
Individual Credits: Creative Director : Adil P. Khanna
Individual Credits: Sr. Designer : Riddhi Johar
Individual Credits: Jr. Designer : Harshita Sharma
Individual Credits: Account Manager: Kashika Kumar
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