COMMUNICATION DESIGN - Design For Books (Entire Books > Culture, Art & Design)

Introduction to Design - Designex Studio - Designex Studio PNG
Introduction to Design - Designex Studio - Designex Studio MP4 1m:56s

Introduction to Design
Brand: Designex Studio
Client: Designex Studio

Introduction to Design - Designex Studio - Designex Studio

Baby Blue Elephant

Entry Title: Introduction to Design
Brand: Designex Studio
Client: Designex Studio
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Description: Imagine going down the basement, climbing down one step at a time. Introduction to Design will feel something like this. It helps you go to the depths of becoming a designer, one stair at a time. Each chapter you finish reading takes you closer to your complete understanding of Design through real-life stories, personal anecdotes, and over 100 illustrations. The book makes a compelling case for the need to inculcate a designer mindset, busting several field-related myths along the way while challenging aspirants and enthusiasts to honestly evaluate their goals, dreams, and mindsets.

This book is divided into four modules:

1. THE DOMAIN - explains what Design is, the processes involved, different disciplines in Design, while debunking the myths associated with the field of Design.

2. THE JOURNEY - talks about one’s first encounter with Design, along with self- assessment questions and pathways one can take to get into Design.

3. THE ASPIRANT - readers will learn about tuning their mind to develop the personality and character necessary for a designer. It explores different aspects that lead to empathy, creativity, originality, and individuality.

4. THE EXAMS - Learn about design entrance exams in India and how to prepare for them.
Company Credits: Designex Studio
Individual Credits: Mukti Masih, editor of the book
Individual Credits: Aaquib Wani, Foreword of the book
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