PRODUCT - Personal Use (Watches)

L00P - Urban Monkey, Venture Innovations - Urban Monkey JPG
L00P - Urban Monkey, Venture Innovations - Urban Monkey PDF

Brand: Urban Monkey
Client: Urban Monkey, Venture Innovations

L00P - Urban Monkey - Urban Monkey, Venture Innovations

Baby Blue Elephant

Entry Title: L00P
Brand: Urban Monkey
Client: Urban Monkey, Venture Innovations
Entrant Company:
Description: L00P, a limited-edition collectible watch by URBNMNKY-SYSTMS, a division of Urban Monkey, that focuses on experimental, hyper-functional life style accessories.

In a market awash with technology-driven features, L00P stands as a unique blend of Retro(Past Tense) and Future(Future Tense) aesthetics, embodying the concept of "RETR0FUTR"(Present Tense).

L00P represents the present tense.
It represents the NOW.
It reminds users to zoom out into the universe,
And accept the minute glitches in life.
It reminds them to LOVE.

Inspired by time theories explored in renowned works such as Christopher Nolan's films and the German TV show Dark, coupled with the wisdom of Kid Cudi' music and S.N. Goenka' Vipassna, L00P conveys profound values and serves as a reminder to cherish time.

It features three types of captivating analog dial animations, each presenting time uniquely. Notably, one of its dials exclusively displays the seconds hand, emphasizing the present moment. 

L00P transcended expectations, selling out on the day of its launch in under 3 hours. 

Complete Case Study:
Company Credits: Company Credits: (Varun Mehta)
Company Credits: Company Credits: Urban Monkey Pvt.Ltd. (Yash Gangwal, Varun Mehta)
Company Credits: Company Credits: Arya Designs (Shivani)
Individual Credits: Varun Mehta [Creative Direction, Product Design Development & Communication Design]
Individual Credits: Mihir Wadhel [Product Research + Development]
Individual Credits: Sunay Bhandare [Communication Design + Development]
Individual Credits: Ritam Mukherjee [Communication Design & Illustration]
Individual Credits: Vinita Chandrashekhar [Illustrations]
Individual Credits: Studio Phenom, Kunal Menon [3D Motion Visualisation]
Individual Credits: Kanchi Chokshi [Social Media]
Individual Credits: Karan Tanna [Product Photography]
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